The Styles Comes from Heaven


✍🏼 Germán Malaver [ @german_malaver ]

📸 @thesammf

📍 Atlanta, United States

For Escribe Germador [ @germador_ ], it’s an honour a privilege to be able to sit around a table and talk with our amazing guests, who whit a smile, with the brightness of their eyes and with every word make this project grow. As our guest today, we barely contacted her, she agreed with cordial way and a pleasant joy, with you from Atlanta (United States), Lisa Hale better known as The Silver Stylist.

✅ G.M. For me it’s a pleasure to have you here, Mrs. Hale, since I follow you on the different social networks, I admire every project that you’ve, thou are a great blessing!

✅ L.H. Thanks Germán! You are very kind, but I owe everything to God, He hides my steps.

✅ G.M. How pretty!

Let’s start the interview!

✅ L.H. Of course!

✅ G.M. So, who’s Lisa Hale?

✅ L.H. Hmmm… I’m 60 years old girl, who has loved all things fashion related, from hair to makeup, clothing, shoes and bags, since I was very young.

I started to working at 15 years old at Sears and I’ve worked ever since. I also have no intent on stopping, I think having your own identify is very important. That and knowing who you’re.

I’ve been married, divorced and remarried to my spouse 0f 40 years, and yes, we count the two years we were divorced. I have 4 grown kids from 38 – 28 years old, and 3 grandchildren, I am the first born of 4 kids, and my parents are still living, they live about 5 miles from me, they’re both in good health at 84 and 86 and are still very active out and about in the community. My kids and grandkids are all close by too. I tell you all of this, because where you come from and who you surround yourself with are so important in shaping who you’re as well as who or what you want to be or achieve.

I’m Atlanta based stylist, makeup artist and blogger who love everything about fashion and style, I also love people, it’s because of that love for people that I’ve chosen to be an encourager, and the people I’ve focused upon are mature women. Well, let me back up, I really think I want to make a difference in the lives of women of all ages.

I have not been a “girly girl”, my entire life. In fact, I was pretty much a tomboy, riding horses, motorcycles, climbing trees, catching snakes and scorpions, fishing and shifting gears in my first car. But I did have a fascination with makeup and hair, probably due to watching my mum getting dressed up, I remember sitting very quietly watching her as she puts her makeup on and styled her hair, I’d stare at her as she’d get ready for the day, and that’s when I fell in love with all things about beauty and fashion.

📸 Personal photo

I attended Cosmetology School and received a Master of Cosmetology license in 1980, my career began in a hair salon, and I soon moved on to become a makeup artist for Chanel at Lord & Taylor and later for Lancôme, along the way, that’s when I had 4 children, and as I shopped for them, I became a regular at Gap, I was such a regular that they offered me a job, and I stayed for 23 years. I then opened a skincare and cosmetic boutique, and after of 2 years, I left to do what I’ve always done, help others as a personal stylist full time.

✅ G.M. Thank you, Mrs. Hale! I’m overwhelmed with thy sincerity, every word is so profound, that I see your soul reflected.

✅ L.H. I am very excited that you’ve contacted me, to be able to express myself, makes me very blissful.

✅ G.M. What a bless! That you like the interview Mrs. Hale.

Now, tell me, why do you decide to create a fashion blog?

✅ L.H. Well, I started blogging on December 20th, 2015. The blog began when I started asking clients, friends and family If they followed anyone over the 40 – 50 age range, I asked because I was looking for women in my own age group who’d inspire me. I felt like women my age needed a voice, and a blog seemed like a way to give them one. When I worked at Gap, I really paid attention to my customers and what was going on in their lives. I began to notice that many of their identities were wrapped in their kids or building their families. After being wrapped up in their kid’s and their spouses’ lives, they had lost their identity as a person, they didn’t know who they were. So, when it came to style and fashion, they had given up on themselves, I feel like my blog’s a place to encourage those women to rekindle their fire to be especial and to find out who they want to be with confidence.

Everyone has a unique body type and personality; they should acknowledge both when they build their looks and wardrobes. I want them to have fun with style and fashion, and be comfortable with themselves. It’s never too late to reinvent yourself, we used to worry so much about what others thought about us, now’s the time to be yourself, do what you love, and find ways to encourage and help others.

✅ G.M. Mrs. Hale! I’m very blissful to have you on this platform, thou really leave me speechless, I am amazed to hear you.

✅ L.H. It’s an honour for me! Thank you for your patience, for your so welcoming interview and hearing me.

✅ G.M. I’m glad to do it!

Well, does your family support you?

✅ L.H. Yes! My family does support me in what I’m doing, my husband proofreads for my blog, which I’m most thankful for, (I am not the greatest with punctuation, laughter). My kids are sweet about sharing my blog post and commenting. When I started this journey, I had no idea the work that was involved. I am glad that I’m continuing to figure it out, and I’ve a willingness to learn, I want to do the best job I possibly can. There’s a lot of time, hard work and love that I try and pour into my work, that’s what I hope resonates with my followers, that I’m real and authentic, I am sharing my life with them.

✅ G.M. Awesome!

Hmmm… and, why your passion for fashion?

✅ L.H. My passion for fashion has been my love for people and waiting to make a difference. When I cut hair and gave someone a new style, I loved to see their face light up after I was finished, I was also so happy when I could help someone who didn’t know a lot about makeup, because they were raised by someone who did not wear it or didn’t use much, and most of the time it did not take too much tweaking, but it made them feel pretty. It was so good to see them walk away with their head held high and feeling confident, that’s what it’s all about to me.

✅ G.M. Incredible!

And since you tell me these anecdotes, what does the concept of fashion mean to you?

✅ L.H. Well, it’s a way to express who you’re through your style, you can be a different person in the world each day depending upon how you dress and present yourself.

✅ G.M. I’m excited by your answers, I want to hear you more, more and more, I don’t want this interview to end.

✅ L.H. (Laughter), I’m so happy to be part of this beautiful space.

✅ G.M. So pretty!

So, how do you see fashion in the United States?

✅ L.H. I think fashion in the United States is eclectic, there’re so many different avenues one can pursue and embrace, there are multiples sources of inspiration for anyway one might want to dress.

✅ G.M. Nice! Thy perspective of seeing the world’s cute, your answers are very stunning!

Hmmm… and, what do you think about the new concepts about fashion?

✅ L.H. Thanks you!

Answering your question, there have always been trends for a season, but more importantly, there’re classics that stand the test of time, mixing those trends with the classics’s a sure fire way to be stylish and relevant in your fashion.

✅ G.M. Oh nice! I won’t tire of thanking you, also for believing in this dream comes true, I’m very blissful to have you here.

✅ L.H. It’s an honour! I am happy of this pleasant interview, you make me feel very well!

✅ G.M. Thanks so much ma’am!

Well, and how’d you define your style?

✅ L.H. Hmmm… I love to dip my toe into the pool of multiple styles and trends, breaking rules as I go to get a “wow” factor when I go out. I enjoy pushing the envelope to show how you can take the things you like about yourself and magnify them to create an especial style of your own.

✅ G.M. I love it! With all due respect, you look very well!

✅ L.H. Thanks! You’re very gentle!

✅ G.M. It’s a pleasure!

📸 Personal photo

Well, on your blog, we see that you’re always giving a positive message, especially to women, why do you make that decision?

✅ L.H. I want to encourage women of all ages and tell them that it’s okay to be who you’re. they should not worry about what others are thinking, because freedom’s really being the true “you”, there is only positive in being yourself.

✅ G.M. Nice!

It’s marvellous!

Well, thou are definitely an example to follow, but tell mem who has been thy artistic influence?

✅ L.H. Thanks you, my dear Germán!

So, I’ve been influenced by many of the great designers, but I really love when people take chances with colours and styles, building outfits around what speaks to them and makes them happy.

✅ G.M. Cool!

And to finish, Mrs. Hale, have you considered writing a book?

✅ L.H. Hmmm… No! I have not thought about writing a book, I’m working very hard to balance my own life now with working, my family, my friends and involvement in the community. I love what I do, but I also care about these other things. The one thing I’m learning’s that it’s okay to say I can’t do it all, (and to take the time for myself), I need to take care of others, and sometimes I have to say no, and that’s not a bad thing either, I’m also learning my limitations, and I am asking for help when I need it!

✅ G.M. It’s a shame! But you’re right!

Thank you, Mrs. Hale! I’m blissful that you accepted this interview!

✅ L.H. Thank you for the invitation Germán! I’ll leave a message: “Midlife is a great place to be, just like the wonders and beauty of youth, there´s just as much wonder and beauty in all stages of life. Don’t run from it, embrace it like an old friend and revel in the joy of life where are, right now, today, this moment«.

✅ G.M. What a beautiful message! Thank you very much!

For more information about her, visit her website at 💻: or follow her on Instagram: @thesilverstylist  Facebook: The Silver Stylist


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