Mama says Us


✍🏽 Germán Malaver [@german_malaver]

📸 Personal Photo

📍 Charleston, United States

At Escribe Germador [@germador_], we’re so blissful to have the participation of awesome people on our platform, who even knowing that the website’s new, they take pains to open the doors of their homes so that the interview is carried out in an entertaining way and says our motto “Letting the soul speaks”. In these talks we’ve learned from each of our friends, and we feel grateful for them, for each journey, for each word, for each experience told and for believing in us, as is the case of one the most important influencers in the United States specifically in Charleston (South Carolina), with you Cheryl Boyle.

✅ G.M. Thanks so much Mrs. Boyle for accepting this interview and for opening the doors of your home. In Colombia you’re welcome and at Escribe Germador too.

✅ C.B. Thanks Germán! You are very kind! I must admit that at the beginning I wasn’t very sure of accepting the interview, but then I was surprised with the page and I encouraged myself and I here I’m delighted.

✅ G.M. I know, but the important thing is that thou accepted and it’s a blessing to have you on our platform. Thanks!

Let’s start this interview ma’am! Who’s Cheryl Boyle?

✅ C.B. I’m shy, private and enjoy small groups over large ones, but refuses to get old. I continually work on being a better me, which forever journey. I try to enjoy my life at any given moment, remembering I’m the best version of myself today and not comparing myself to the person I want to be tomorrow.

✅ G.M. You’ve a great on the personality and it’s not less when love’s present and thy eyes shines when talking about your spouse and your beautiful fam.

✅ C.B. Thanks you Germán!

✅ G.M. It’s a pleasure ma’am!

And tell me, Why do you like fashion so much?

✅ C.B. Why does anyone have passion for anything? I’m really not sure, but I’ve adored clothes since I was a small child, I would beg my mum to wear pretty dresses all the time. When visiting my grandmother, who was always a treat, I would go through her jewellery box and play dress-up, imagining I was a movie star, sometimes she’d play with me.

✅ G.M. What beautiful anecdote! You are absolutely right, fashion learns by studying, I loved it!

✅ C.B. It just came out of my heart and I wanted to tell you.

✅ G.M. Thanks! And, does your family support thou in this dream?

✅ C.B. My spouse and youngest two children are my biggest fans and supporters. They always have my back when I’m having a bad day or difficult time, I am so thankful. The most important thing is learning to be your own best supporter and believing in yourself no matter what.

📸 Personal photo

✅ G.M. How cute! I declare also your fan (laughter), that’s the way it should be, to support our loved ones in their dreams they’ve hearts.

✅ C.B. My spouse says something similar and thanks for being another admirer.

✅ G.M. It’s a pleasure!

Thou told me before that you’ve puppies, how do you unite your passion for animals and fashion?

✅ C.B. I don’t think is as difficult to reconcile as in previous years. I cannot speak for all women, but “faux fur”, has become in my “new fur”. Many cosmetic companies have stopped animal testing so there are numerous options available for those of us who do not support those activities.

✅ G.M. What an example! We must look for ways to be at the forefront of fashion, without hurting nature.

✅ C.B. Exactly! There’s nothing more beautiful than being and letting be, everyone in this world are welcome!

✅ G.M. Yeah!

Listening your stunning responses, have you taken the initiative to write a book?

✅ C.B. I have many book ideas in the queue, and some even started. However, they might never get published, we’ll have to wait and see.

✅ G.M. It’s a pity Mr. Boyle. It’d be incredible to be able to read you, thou have great stories to tell, I would be one of the first ones acquiring your awesome books, please reconsider it! (laughter).

✅ C.B. (Laughter), I’ll try Germán! Thank you for your words so generous for me.

✅ G.M. It’s a great honour, Mrs. Boyle! It’s words that comes from my heart.

And tell me, What do you think about the new concepts in fashion?

✅ C.B. Thanks! You’re very kind!

Hmm… I believe in the adage, “To each his own”, and just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so is fashion.

✅ G.M. I’m overwhelmed with your answers, they are so striking and coherent. I’ll never tire of thanking you for accepting this interview.

✅ C.B. (Laughter).

✅ G.M. So, How does social networks contribute to you the artistic field?

✅ C.B. Style blogger couldn’t exist without social networks.

✅ G.M. You’re right! But I think that not only it uses in bloggers but that we’re in a very technological era.

✅ C.B. You’re right!

✅ G.M. (Laughter).

So, How do you see fashion in the United States?

✅ C.B. I think fashion is always interesting, but what I love most is how the “fashion police” (other people telling you what you should or shouldn’t wear), seem to be less influential in today’s world. I wrote an article: “Age appropriate” Dressing the New Dinosaur, which has been well received. The key message was that women should set their own rules based on their personal goals. I’m not a fan when bloggers make derogatory comments about women who follow their own personal code.

✅ G.M. Awesome! I feel very fortunate to be to speak with you Mrs, Boyle! You are a great a book and every word that comes from your lips are very conscious, the world needs more people like you, who leave traces on each step they take.

✅ C.B. Thanks Germán! You make me blush.

✅ G.M. (Laughter), pardon me, it’s not my intention.

Let’s change the subject, define your style in your own words.

✅ C.B. Eclectic.

✅ G.M. Thou missed saying feminine, sensual and elegant.

✅ C.B. (Laughter).

✅ G.M. (Laughter).

So, who has been your inspiration in fashion?

📸 Personal photo

✅ C.B. I have many years under my belt, so I am sure there have been many influencers, Audrey Hepburn is certainly a favourite.

✅ G.M. What a great reference you have!

✅ C.B. Thanks!

✅ G.M. No problem!

And tell me, on your website, what else can we find beside fashion?

✅ C.B. One can find travel, health and fitness (new category), life lessons, beauty and generations (also a new category).

✅ G.M. Surprising! I admit that when I started to follow you on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook I wanted to investigate more about your work and I saw your website and loved it, every time you do a post, I read it and share it.

✅ C.B. I know, you always let me know your support. Thanks so much!

✅ G.M. It’s an honour ma’am!

And to finish this interview, Mrs. Boyle, tell me about your virtual store.

✅ C.B. There are only a few ways to purchase through me. One, we sell Mama B Says tees through our shop and the purchases is direct. Unfortunately, at this time we only ship within the United States. Two, is through the shop my Instagram, where I make small commission if you purchase a product through a link, there’s no charge for you to use those links but if you do, they help support the blog.

✅ G.M. You’ve taught me to be able to hold my website (laughter).

Thank you, Mrs. Boyle, for this incredible conversation, I hope you liked it, it was a pleasure to have shared this time with you.

✅ C.B. Thanks Germán for giving me the opportunity of this wonderful interview. I’ll add the website to my favourite sites.

✅ G.M. Thanks ma’am!

✅ C.B. No problem! Greetings to Colombia, and congratulations to Dora and you, for this nice website.

✅ G.M. Thanks!

For more information about this talented, enterprising and beautiful woman visit her website at: or follow her on Instagram as: @cheryl_boyle


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