Suzi’s Trunk


✍🏽 Germán Malaver [ @german_malaver ]

📸 Personal Photo

📍 Brighton, United Kingdom

At Escribe Germador [ @germador_ ], everyday we feel blissful, because in less than six months we have had unforgettable experiences, among them: that people like you, our readers, you’re so nice.

It’s for this reason that we strive to make our friends feel comfortable with the interview, giving them the power of the word to express themselves freely, that they undress the soul, that they tell us their experiences, without any interruption, but with a lot of respect, granting them the prominence. As in the case of our guest today, a British woman who didn’t hesitate to tell us no, and took an especial time in her voyage to India, with you Suzi Grant, better known as Alternative Ageing.

✅ G.M. Mrs. Grant, for me, it’s a pleasure, a privilege, an honour and a truly satisfaction to be able to carry out this interview, because thou are synonymous of enjoying of life. I follow you on the different social networks and I’m really touched by each trip you make, the emotional messages that you write, or watch thy channel on YouTube with the different tips that you advise, full of wisdom and fun. And today I have the opportunity to have you at Escribe Germador, I’m really stunned, I an only say you thank for this time.

✅ S.G. Germán thank you vey much for these words, for me it’s an honour that you’ve contacted me. I’m so happy to be there on this beautiful platform.

✅ G.M. It’s a real an honour ma’am!

Let’ s start, Who’s Suzi Grant?

✅ S.G. I’m a broadcaster, an author and a Blogger. I spent most of her working life as a TV and Radio host, trained as a nutritionist and wrote three health books (before discovering the joys of blogging). I now do YouTube videos, blogs and Instagram for women over 50 to inspire them to not fear ageing and to age healthily and stylishly.

Strangely, half of my 37k followers on Instagram are under 35.

✅ G.M. Congratulations classmate! Of reason that admiration (Laughter). What a blessing! I think it’s stunning, what you’ve reflected on thy social networks, and among those under 35, I include myself.

💻 Personal photo

✅ S.G. (Laughter), I know, sometimes I see your posts, by the way are fun and interesting too. Thanks!, yes sir you are part of the club of the young people who follow me.

✅ G.M. (Laughter).

Now, tell me, why do you like fashion especially vintage?

✅ S.G. I don’t like fashion, I like style! There’s the difference, I care passionately about the planet, so I’m a big fan of recycling, pre-loved and vintage clothing because: a- I am not buying fast fashion and b- the clothes are always so different from clothes in the shops. They’re more individual.

✅ G.M. I loved! The truth’s that vintage clothing gives an unique touch to each person.

✅ S.G. You’re right!

✅ G.M. Let’s continue! I am excited!

Why do you decide to be a Blogger?

✅ S.G. Because I could bring together all my previous working experience, without the stress! I love photography, making videos and sharing advice about healthy living and dressing stylishly with a niche audience of women who care about natural ageing, natural products and dressing up with whatever they’ve in their wardrobes to save on money and do their bit for planet!

✅ G.M. I’m overwhelmed with thy answers, I see that you’re a woman with such a clear and concise thought that’s a pleasure to talk with you.

✅ S.G. Thanks so much! You are very kind!

✅ G.M. It’s an honour madame!

And tell me, does your fam support you in this dream?

✅ S.G. Yes, my two godchildren both suggested that I became a Blogger, they thought it perfect for me and they were right!

✅ G.M. Say hello to your godchild both, please! They had a great idea.

✅ S.G. Of course! I’ll greet them on your behalf.

✅ G.M. Thanks so much!

Now, let’s talk about your books, why do you decide to write them?

✅ S.G. I trained as a nutritionist and then wrote three books to pass on natural ageing advice for body, mind and spirit! My latest book has been republished the last year, as ‘Alternative Ageing‘, and is now on Amazon in a new handbag size and a pretty blue front cover!

✅ G.M. Congrats!

✅ S.G. Thanks so much! You’re so kind!

✅ G.M. It’s a pleasure ma’am!

And tell me, how do you fashion worldwide?

✅ S.G. I think we need to stop buying into «this is in fashion, and that is in fashion», it should be all about how ethically produced is the item I’m about to buy? I am keener on updating whatever women have in their cupboards to style up an outfit and get more wear out of it.

✅ G.M. Great idea! It’s stunning!

✅ S.G. Thanks!

✅ G.M. No problem ma’am!

And say me, What are your fashion influences?

✅ S.G. I don’t really have of fashion influence, I prefer having my own individual style, but my first inspiration came from Ari Seth Cohen of ‘Advanced Style‘, who photographs the most amazing older women all over the world to show that ageing need not be dull. These women have and incredible sense of style.

✅ G.M. Yes! I’m following in Ari‘s footsteps; it’d be a pleasure to have him here. I’ve had the opportunity to talk with women who’ve been part of part of the world of style, such as: Beatrix Ost, Tziporah Salamon, and you of course), and it has been really wonderful.

✅ S.G. Talented women!

✅ G.M. You’re very right!

And tell, what has been the experience of travelling to such magical places?

📧 Personal photo

✅ S.G. I go back to Australia nearly every year because it’s such a happy place! I’ve many friends there and family so it’s like my second home. I love being able to walk up in the morning and put just a couple of items of clothing on for a long walk along the beach and the food is so good and healthy.

✅ G.M. A nice plan!

✅ S.G. Yeah!

✅ G.M. And to finish this interview, you used to talk about Ari Seth, tell me, how was the experience of working with him?

✅ S.G. Is it over? I was blissful in this pleasant interview.

So, I love working with good photographers because they being out the very best inside your soul rather than just your face.

Photography is main passion so it is always a joy to learn from the best!

✅ G.M. I loved every answer! Again, thank you very much for your time, it has been and nice conversation.

✅ S.G. Thank you Germán! I had fun and enjoyed this time.

I’d like to leave a message, Will you let me?

✅ G.M. Of course ma’am!

✅ S.G. Thanks!

«For me ageing is about staying as healthy as possible, with lifestyle and diet, and refusing to become invisible by dressing up just for fun and adding lots of colour to an outfit, even if it’s just accessories such as hats, sunglasses or big necklaces and going out into the world with a big smile on your face! The happier I feel, the lovelier people are to me so I’m no longer invisible«.

✅ G.M. Thanks madame! You’re so nice!

Follow her on Instagram: @alternativeageing

For more information visit her website at 💻:

To see each advice that she prepares, visit her YouTube channel [Here].

To buy her books, following the next link [Here].



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