The Woman of the Eyes Colour Art


✍🏽 Germán Malaver [@german_malaver]

📸 Personal Photo

📍 Dubai

On our platform Escribe Germador [@germador_], we feel honoured with each guest, because we know they live busy and still give us their time to do the interview, regardless of time, weather or if they’re on a trip, like today’s super guest, she’s a french but she is in Dubai and she treated us very well, and we want to thank her for being so kind and for believing in on website, from France with you Nicole Jordi.

G.M. In advance I want to thank you for accepting this interview, it’s an honour to have you at Escribe Germador, knowing that thou are with thy sister enjoying on of the most stunning places such is Dubai. Thanks, again.

N.J. Thanks to you Germán for thy invitation, there’ll always be time for a great interview.

G.M. Thank you ma’am! You are so kind.

So, let’s start, who is Nicole Jordi?

N.J. I am a 72 years old woman, mother of four and grandmother of three. I’ve worked with Air France as a flight attendant and parser for 25 years and the I was an instructor in the airline.

G.M. Really? I tell you that you’re the first woman, who tells me the age without complexes (laughter).

It must have been wonderful, it is a great profession, Congrats!

N.J. (Laughter), there’s no reason to be ashamed about my age, when you’ve lived splendidly.

G.M. You’re right! But still there are women who’re ashamed because they got a grey hair, they’ve wrinkles on their face or simply because their body had some change, but you look wonderful!

📸 Personal photo.

N.J. (Laughter), Thank you!

G.M. It’s a pleasure!

Well, thou tell me you were stewardess and then an instructor, how do you start your artistic life?

N.J. When I finally retired (at the age 60 years old), I happened to see in a magazine an announcement for a competition of senior models, for fun I applied and was selected.

G.M. Oh my God! Surprising! In Colombia we’ve a saying an it’s “What’s for us, it is for us”, and that opportunity was definitely for you, Congratulations!

I see you your post in the different social networks and I follow you on the YouTube channel and I see that you enjoy what do you do and that seems cool to me, that you’re fulfilling your dreams.

N.J. Thanks Germán!  You’re very kind! Thanks so much for your nice words to me!

G.M. It’s a pleasure madame!

And tell me Mrs, Jordi, does your fam support you in thy dreams?

N.J. Yes! They think it’s a good way to keep me active and in good shape.

G.M. And they’re absolutely right! There’s no better medicine, than to see the people you love making their dreams come true.

N.J. That’s what they tell me, and I enjoy everything I do.

G.M. I am glad for you! And what is coming be better.

And tell me, how do you decide to create a blog?

N.J. Hmm… more than a blog is my website, that helps me find contracts, because I need to communicate and Facebook and Instagram have been a greet tool to do so.

G.M. And you use social networks very well, I follow you on Facebook and Instagram and I like all your post, because I think it’s too artistic. Thank you for sharing your experiences!

N.J. Thanks! I also follow you.

G.M. Yep, of course! Thanks so much!

Now, tell me, what does fashion mean to you?

N.J. It’s important to feel good in the simple, but modern outfits, but I am not addicted to fashion, jeans and sweaters are great. But whenever I’ve a chance to be on a catwalk, I just love wearing extraordinary clothes.

📸 Personal photo

G.M. I love your style, you look great!

And tell me, How do you see fashion in France?

N.J. Fabolous!

G.M. I know, France will always magic! I love this city.

And, What do you think of the new concepts in fashion?

N.J. Mmm… not much.

G.M. Don’t worry! I understand you.

N.J. Thanks so much guy!

G.M. No problem ma’am!

So, in your own words, define thy style Mrs. Jordi, Please!

N.J. Simple and modern.

I would add feminine, elegant and casual.

N.J. (Laughter), Thank you! You’re very kind!

It is an honour madame!

G.M. Well, tell me, what experiences did the different voyage thou have made leave you?

N.J. As a former flight attendant, I love to travel and when it’s for work, I find it very gratifying, for instance I has a shooting for Club Med in México.

G.M. Oh yeah! I saw you, in your reel thou have a video where you’re on cruise, It was fantastic! You’re really incredible!

N.J. Thanks so much Germán!

G.M. It’s an honour!

And tell me, who has been your greatest artistic influence?

N.J. The french model Inès de la Fressange.

G.M. She’s a global icon of fashion, style, design and perfumery, what a great reference you’ve Mrs. Jordi.

And to finish this cute interview, tell me, have you considered on writing an autobiographical book?

N.J. No!

G.M. It’s a shame, it’d be a sensational, ‘cos you’re an open book full of great stories, I would be the first to acquire it!

Thank you, Mrs. Jordi, for thy time, it was a pleasure to have shared a cosy time with you. Enjoy your journey!

N.J. Thank you! More than a stunning interview, it was a meeting between pals, Thanks so much for contacting me. Best wishes to Dora and for you Germán, greetings to Colombia, with love Nicole.

To learn more about this beautiful woman, visit her website at 💻: or follow her on Insagram as: @nicole.jordi4 or on Facebook as: Nicole JORDI Comédienne & Mannequin Senior


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